Southern Indiana Railroad
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The Southern Indiana Railroad is a club made up of a small group of men who are interested in promoting the hobby of model railroading.
We have a layout in the basement of the First Presbyterian Church at the corner of Chestnut and Walnut streets in downtown Jeffersonville, Indiana. We model primarily in HO scale, but our members have interests in other scales as well.
Our layout is comprised of two sections. One section is a modular layout which we can take apart and show at various train shows in the area. The other section is a permanent part which is kept in the train room. While in the train room the two sections are combined for train running and display. The layout is approximately 25 feet by 40 feet and is owned by the club. Much of the rolling stock is owned by individual members so there is a varied group of trains running at any time. We use a Digitrax DCC control system to run our trains which gives us more realistic operations.
We encourage you to visit us and learn more about this fascinating hobby.